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Basket Weaving Classes- First State Capitol

Join staff members at First Missouri State Capitol State Historic Site to make a beautiful handcrafted basket. This event is part of a series of monthly basket weaving classes held at the site. Each class runs from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. All materials will be supplied, although you may wish to bring snacks and a drink. If the weather is nice, the class may be held outside; otherwise, it will take place in the interpretive center upstairs on the second floor. The second floor is NOT ADA accessible and only accessed via stairs. Class size is limited, and registration is required. Registration for the January through June classes opens Jan. 3; registration for the July to November classes opens June 2. You may sign up for any day that a particular class is being offered. The $5 registration fee is separate and not part of the advertised class cost. Please check our website or Facebook page for individual class costs. You may also sign up for multiple classes. For more information call the historic site at 636-940-3322.

Needle Felting

Bluebirds! While many think it is the cardinal, the Eastern Bluebird is actually Missouri’s official state bird! Vibrantly blue, colonists in the 18th century associated bluebirds with the coming of spring. Needle felting is the art of using special barbed needles to shape wool into sculptures. You will you learn some basic needle felting techniques, as well as about bluebirds as you make your own bluebird sculpture. No needle felting experience needed. Please be aware we host classes upstairs in our Interpretive Center which is only accessed via stairs. We apologize for the inconvenience. Ages: 12 and up